Lletty's Blog

Croeso! Welcome

February 26th They’re Back! Canada Geese Fly In. February 26, 2015

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I’ve been waiting for the sound of the Canada Geese flying overhead  to herald their return to this area after they have been I know not where.  So  I was pleased to hear them ‘honking’  yesterday morning  and found that two had landed on our pond and  were looking over the island at an old nest site. I wish I knew if they were last year’s mum and dad or  last year’s goslings all grown up!

P1060354-1 Two arrived  at the pond!

Followed not long after by two more!!




Then a  great deal more honking… actually very loud honking indeed…and two more flew in  and then they all had a set too …the Mallards flew off and the moorhens took cover…the gang were back in charge!


P1060357-1Only five in the picture the sixth one was camera shy!

Goodness knows what they are all going to do now as there definitely isn’t room on the island for more than one nest…I’ll keep you posted!


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